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I am fortunate enough to have a beautiful set of cast aluminum side panels manufactured by Gwen Meunier.


They will require quite a bit of polishing and bead blasting before they can be used.

The attachment of the side panels to the treadboxes will present quite a challenge. Most B9 robot builders have simply drilled screw holes around the perimeter of the side panels. This is not, however, how the side panels were attached on the original robot.


Note that there is a single, countersunk screw in the top center of the inner plate of the side panel, just above the top vertical raised ray. Note also that there are two thin horizontal bars on the bottom of the side panels. I am not sure how this horizontal worked in the original robot, but I suspect that it has a horizontal slot along the top into which the thin outer frame of the side panel sits. The bar is probably welded to the treadbox. Unless I hear otherwise, this is how I will create the attachment for the sidepanel.
