This neck bracket, pictured upside down here, was originally designed by Mike Joyce and manufactured by John Levinick. I have altered it to suit the bubble lifting mechanism that I designed. Explanations for this will be found in the March 2003 Update section of this website.

Prior to painting the flange with gunmetal paint, I first had to fill in four extra holes with plumber's epoxy. This material is wonderful. You really would never know now that the flange of the neck bracket had ever had more than the four screw holes that you see now. I am unsure why the neck bracket had eight holes in the flange because the original robot's neck bracket only had four.

I left much of the neck bracket unpainted because this part will be hidden underneath the neck bellows. I also preferred to keep it unpainted so that I would not risk the smooth action of the two set screws that I installed in the ring that appears as the top ring in this picture. The explanation for these mysterious set screws will be revealed in the March Update.