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As mentioned elsewhere, these solid cast aluminum side panels were created by G. Menier. My goal has been to attach them to the tread boxes in the same way that they were attached in the original robot. Many robot builders today attach their side panels (whatever their material or origin) with screws around the perimeter of the side panels. This is fine, but I wanted something a bit easier.

Here is a photograph of the original robot's side panel. Note that there is a single screw in the the top center of the side panel.


Here are some photos and explanations for the creation of a system of attachment for the side panels that replicated, at least superficially, that of the original robot. My only remaining task is to replicate the two strange little horizontal bars at the bottom corners of the side panel. I have no idea what purpose these serve.

Click on thumbnail image for larger photograph and to read the full description

The raw sidepanel before polishing

After polishing. Set screw

Internal brackets

Internal brackets at work