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I started my robot building project with a Planet Plastics bubble. I have seen a number of bubbles made by this company that were perfect in shape. The one I initially acquired, however, was imperfect in many ways. For instance, it was too large, too tall, and too flat.

My prospects of ever obtaining a proper bubble seemed dim until one day Bill Kendzierski posted a note to the B9 Exchange (now defunct) stating that he had acquired access to a stash of good bubbles allegedly made from casts of the original robot's bubble. I pounced on the opportunity. After a few weeks of unforgivable impatience on my part, the bubble arrived. It was better than I dared hope. At last, I feel that my robot will sport a good quality bubble.

I snapped some photographs of my robot's unfinished brain inside both bubbles for comparison. The differences are quite apparent. The bottom plate in the photographs, I must point out, is the Planet Plastics bottom plate. The new bottom plate did not have the central hole drilled through it. It has a slightly more pronounced curve. I must say, however, that my old bottom plate is quite satisfactory in terms of its curve.

The improved clarity of the new bubble is also a welcome feature.

Despite the unfortunate flaws in my old bubble, I will hold on to it for a while. Bubbles are so rare these days. They are also very delicate. It pays to have a spare bubble or two on hand.

Comparison shots

Old Planet Plastics bubble. The bubble is disproportionately large in relation to the brain.

New bubble courtesy of Bill Kendzierski. This bubble has exactly the right dimensions.