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The external part of the robots arms consists of an articulated set of specially manufactured rubber bellows. They also include a wrist element. The rubber bellows are affixed to the wrist by a metal wrist clamp, or ring. Attached to this ring are the wrist latches that hold the arms in place in the arm bays when not in use.

My robot will be graced with the wonderful rubber arms manufactured by club member Norm Sockwell. These bellows do not have alternating peaks like the original first-season robot did, nor to they have metal rings on the inside, but they do not require these features, as they fit perfectly in the arm bay and hold their shape without any trouble. My only regret is that they do not have the notorious rubber  "pull tab," which can clearly be seen in photographs.

The original robot's arms seem to be cut on a bias where they enter the arm socket. The ":pull tab," however, is an additional feature, perhaps designed to make it easy to remove the arms from the socket. Perhaps I will figure out a way to add this element to my beautiful Norm Sockwell arms. I certainly will not mutilate them by cutting them on the bias. This is unnecessary, as they sit perfectly in the arm bay as they are.
